Photo by Muffy Aldrich
The Modern Guide to The Thing Before Preppy

Monday, January 1, 2024

Preppy Rule: Golf can be practiced (almost) anywhere

Photo by Salt Water New England



  1. Without question. We sometimes didn’t have time to go the club, like after dinner. So we played up and down our street with a plastic ball, and real clubs. Two or three lawns away - this tree was the hole, or that mailbox. We were 11 or 12. We were serious about golf. We never stopped to think what went through a homeowner’s mind. He or she sitting in their living room - watching a ball land in the front yard. Watching two club carrying youngsters stroll onto their lawn. We patiently took a practice swing (and improved the lie a bit - alas not all lawns looked like Augusta National). We hit the ball, picked up the clubs and went on our merry way.

  2. Goes without saying!

  3. The one place you should not practice is on the course. Sounds crazy but, that’s where you need to focus on playing.

    1. At my CC, I can indeed practice on the course. Keep up with the group ahead of me and just play from 100 yards on each hole. Working on approach shots, there are 100 yard markers at each hole.

  4. That backswing is just awful so he needs expert tuition rather than more practice.

    1. Should the left elbow be held higher? Please.

  5. Work on your short game wherever you can.

  6. Not when one is as dangerously inaccurate with an iron as I am.

  7. Giving unsolicited advice is poor golf etiquette.

  8. Related to the the cemetery post: Don't practice golf at a cemetery though.


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