Photo by Muffy Aldrich

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Today, Moody Along the Shore

Photos by Salt Water New England


  1. Very relaxing, really needed at the end of a long day. Thank you so much.

  2. OMG. Muffy, there was a White KIA SUV behind a Volvo in one of your pictures. It must be owned by bank robbers who were, as of the instant you snapped the shot, were terrorizing tennis moms and tellers at the local Savings and Loan. We all know that People Like Us don't own KIAs nor, for that matter, would enter one willingly. How daring of you to catch a robbery in progress!

    1. Relax. It was just late-season tourists From Away.

    2. well, don't fret. the white vehicle parked in the background of that blue volvo is a range rover - the rims and tail lights are telltales.

    3. Discretion is the better part of valor.

    4. Sincerely hoping that these comments are facetious in nature.

      The only non-Volvo I see here is a Porsche anyway. Either a Macan or Cayenne. (Except the hint of Rover)

    5. Interesting - I guess we tend to see what we're looking for. I see at least 4 other vehicles that are neither a Porsche nor a Volvo.

    6. Although I especially enjoy seeing the Land-Rovers, I am always hoping to see a Rover sedan, something like a 2000TC. But I would be happy to see a Triumph Stag or a (very rare) Bristol.

  3. Replies
    1. If Subaru had the build quality of a mid-range KIA, it would be a much better car. If KIA produced a drivetrain that handled suboptimal road conditions as well as a Subaru, they would be #1, no problem. Range Rovers are great for getting to the wine tasting events, so they do have that going for them. RR Evoques are great for transporting large quantities of boxed wine.

    2. Like that...!!!
      The New Jersey Yankee

  4. Seeing the leaves of varying colors reminds me of friends who took a motorcoach (bus) leaf peeping tour beginning in Maine. The words "you should have been here last week" will never be forgotten. After getting home they rode down to their hometown in Southeastern Kentucky to visit relatives and found they had arrived at the perfect time. He told me that the leaves there were never that pretty when he was growing up.
    Certainly enjoyed your pictures today. Thank you so very much.

    1. We love the fall foliage in New England. Almost every year, we go up north to New Hampshire into what is called the "North Country" during the first two weeks of October to catch the peak foliage. Then, we return home to Conn. where it's déjà vu peak foliage all over again.

      This 'moody day' and the storm that came with it ended peak foliage in my area. The heavy rain and winds took down much of the leaves. There is still color, but the brilliance is gone, now with oaks hanging onto their dull, brown leaves and painting the drab palate that will slide us into November and winter.


  5. What a wonderful way to start the day. Thank you so very much!

  6. I have a garage full of volvo parts,you've inspired me to make a collage of them.

  7. Not every can afford a Volvo anonymous. Don't be a hater.

  8. I find the red building with the porch(?) to be quite interesting. It seems to me that it was built for a specific purpose. Can someone enlighten this Landlubber from Sweet Tea Land about this building or this type building? Thanks

    1. Interesting. Heartwarming. Just love it when folk pull together for a cause. The Shack - a worthy cause. Thank you for the picture and the very good story - both memorable.

  9. Somewhere at the mouth of the CT River, Muffy?!?!?!


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