Photo by Muffy Aldrich
The Modern Guide to The Thing Before Preppy

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Viyella Shirts

 A reader question for the community:

Dear Editor,

What does the community think of Viyella shirts? Are they a classic? I think some of their plaids / tartans are very nice!



  1. Yes, classic, but these days somewhat overlooked. They use to be 45% wool, 55% cotton. Pricey, but handsome.

  2. Definitely a classic, though lately a bit under-the-radar and deserving of more praise, Great in the Autumn, or any cool weather when you want something a bit warmer than just cotton but don't want to go too thick/heavy. And yes, the wool/cotton blend is beautiful in plaids and checks.

  3. I love them. I get them mail order from O'Connell's. The are 80% cotton and 20% wool and are comfortable September to May in New England. They can be machine washed and dried, and they last a long time. I usually get solid colors but the tartans and tattersalls are nice too.

  4. Bought em over 30 years ago 55 % Wool/ 45 % Cotton. Owing to the new blend, deal me out.

  5. They are excellent! Very good additions to a winter business casual wardrobe that can be still worn open collar with an sport jacket if necessary. J Press, Andover Shop, O’Connells and many of your local independent menswear shops carry them with good reason!

  6. Love the look. And love the feel — for about 4 minutes. Then the wool-hates-me itch and prickle starts. And no, it doesn't matter how low the wool percentage goes.

  7. A solid classic! Really hard to beat!


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