Photo by Muffy Aldrich

Friday, July 19, 2019

Question for the Community: What is Your Favorite Shirting Fabric?

Based on this comment from the last post:
Those of us who have discovered broadcloth will never wear Oxford Cloth again. (Anonymous)
A question for the community is:
What is your favorite shirting fabric?


  1. I prefer broadcloth, but it depends on the weather for me, Oxford Cloth is a little warmer in the colder months.

  2. No question here, Oxford Cloth is the only way to go....

  3. Oxford cloth is hard to beat.

  4. I grew up thinking that Oxford cloth was the only way to go until I discovered that broadcloth is a godsend. With central heating and air conditioning, wearing Oxford cloth because it is traditional makes no sense at all. If you can't bear to give up on oxford cloth, try pinpoint.

  5. I find that oxford cloth is a little cooler than broadcloth. Yes, oxford cloth is thicker and heavier than broadcloth so it seems like it should be hotter than broadcloth, but oxford cloth's more loose weave allows it to breath better. Broadcloth's tighter weave doesn't allow for much ventilation.

    In terms of style, in the summer I mostly wear short sleeved seersucker, gingham or madras, especially the 1960's style bleeding madras, or long sleeve oxford cloth button downs with the sleeves rolled up.

  6. Contingent upon the ply of the shirt. Apply the same logic to sweater ply & oz/yd2 for trousers.

  7. Let me tell you where I stand on this matter: it depends. I think pattern, color, even weights of the same type fabric and seasons. I’ve got a couple of shirts that I really enjoy wearing and they are poplin. Many years ago I did my own laundry ...I took my stuff down the street to the Wishy-Washy. That name has sorta described me all my years.

  8. Give broadcloth a chance and you'll wish you had given up Oxford cloth years ago.

  9. Oxford cloth, hands down. I even have my clerical shirts made of black oxford from Wippell and Co. in England.

  10. For the office, cotton oxford for the Northwest Winter, poplin (button-down) in Summer. For weekends all year long, cotton jersey knit (polo style) is quite comfortable.

    1. I agree totally. Oxford is too warm for summer. On very hot days, an end-on-end poplin and madras cotton ( top quality only) are the coolest options. Oxford cloth is ideal in the Spring and Fall. In the coldest weather, a cotton flannel (in a tattersall check when out of the office) is ideal.

  11. Whatever suits the occasion and weather. I prefer oxford cloth but have other options as well. In the summer, I prefer seersucker and linen.

  12. oxford cloth is the staple. it's all cotton that needs an iron, unfused/unlined collars, plackets, cuffs. i also like some end-on-ends, they have a look oxford cloth sometimes can't match, and i like a very light madras shirt in the summer.

  13. If I must choose one fabric, I suppose it has to be oxford cloth for its breathability, versatility, and comfort - and I wear OCBD shirts the most for non-work settings. But like all tools and pieces of clothing, there is a “fit for purpose” element to consider and I don’t wear my OCBDs to work very often. For work suits and work settings, I always wear a broadcloth shirt (unlined collars, of course).

  14. White broadcloth/poplin can’t be beat in summer (or any season, for that matter).

    Boston Bean


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