Photo by Muffy Aldrich
The Modern Guide to The Thing Before Preppy

Sunday, March 10, 2024


Photo by My Father
There are a wide range of umbrellas available for different situations.  What should people look for in an umbrella, and what are vendors and products of note?

Some options include:
Photo by Salt Water New England
Photo by My Father


  1. I have been carrying a Hickory Brigg Umbrella for 15 years; the same one and it has been bombproof and reliable. The rain pops off of it like it does off of the tight fly of a pup tent. You feel just as sheltered beneath it. It is stylish and strong enough to defend yourself against a pack of brigands, should one encounter a pack of brigands in the financial district.

    1. Agreed, ours are 10+ years and still going strong! They are expensive, but very functional and well made - worth the price.

  2. MOMA umbrellas are neat; good cause and nice to have million dollar art keeping you dry. Would love the parrot handle umbrella (James Smith) but alas ours don't keep - tend to lose them. Therefore we tend to be practical and harbor a variety of promotional, albeit benign umbrellas; favorites are school associated. Big is better - nice to feel you have a good wide perimeter from the wet stuff. Automatic a must for single hand operation.

  3. Barbour makes a nice compact umbrella that has their current tartan canopy!

    1. In my experience, Barbour umbrellas (at least the compact ones) don't last. Mine was ruined in its first storm and when I returned it to Orvis, the staff noted that they have lots of problems with them.

  4. Man, I love the "idea" of the full-size, handmade, heritage umbrella with the solid wood shaft and so forth that you buy once or twice in a lifetime. But for me, the exigencies of modern life (travel, cramped spaces, taxi cabs, etc.) seem to get in the way and I end up buying the el-cheapo black telescopic numbers from the nearest pharmacy.

    One technical comment: I did purchase a tattersall umbrella several years ago from T. Anthony, and I didn’t think twice about this but it had a cloth canopy. Bad decision. It is a bit heavier than the nylon or silk variety (especially when wet) and takes MUCH longer to dry. I would advise folks to pay attention to this detail when purchasing.

    1. Count me among those who think high quality umbrellas are neat, but have never owned one.

      A few years ago when I needed a new one I checked out the NYT Wirecutter reviews, and at that point they recommended the Amazon Basics full sized version for about $30. I followed their recommendation, and I haven't been disappointed. I should probably get another one for the car. Thus far I've always stuck with black or navy, but can a middle aged man have one in yellow or red?

      I converted to umbrellas in my first year of college, after walking across campus in a soggy North Face jacket lined with early GoreTex. I saw some of the upperclassmen using umbrellas that not only kept their torsos dry, but most of their legs and shoes, too. To a kid who grew up in that unfortunate part of American culture where walking for transportation never even crossed people's minds, it seemed like magic. I went to the bookstore, got an umbrella, and never looked back.

  5. Queen Elizabeth uses Fulton umbrellas. They make a transparent "birdcage" style which is good for keeping you dry and your perimeter efficient- especially on busy streets. Though they aren't attractive. However you have to sacrifice style for the consideration of others sometimes. It's never nice getting clipped in the face by an umbrella rib.

    I mainly just grab a golf umbrella out of the Volvo when caught in a "brolly buster". Rain is also good at raising the heart rate when you simply have to dash it!

    1. I have a Fulton birdcage umbrella with simple black trim and I think it's a bit cute! Nice to be enclosed in my little bubble on a rainy day.

    2. A bit late now (me commenting on this post, and HM the Q too, alas), but her Fulton umbrellas always had colored trim to match her outfit.

  6. I received a London Undercover umbrella as a wedding gift six years ago. While the canopy is standard black on top, the underside has a black and white map of Central London (it is a two-layer affair).

    It's a discreet bit of whimsy, though it seems whenever I bring it with me to work, it rains before I leave or after I get home...

  7. Umbrellas are such a bummer. Useless in a blow, wet and annoying on the train and running errands...I want to like them, but had to break up with them in favor of hats and hoods.

    1. :-) I have graduated to a white poplin bucket hat with a grosgrain band, which my kids tease me mercilessly about.

  8. The Fox telescopic link is out of date so use instead. There are so many wonderful products, it's hard to choose.

    James Smith & Sons is a wonderful store that needs to be visited to be appreciated fully. It has all sorts of umbrellas and walking sticks to suit everyone's budget.

  9. I lived in NYC in the late 70s to mid 80s. Went through cheap umbrellas like you go through mixed nuts at a cocktail party. There was an Uncle Sam's umbrella shop in Midtown that sold everything from cheap to very expensive. One rainy day, I went in to replace yet another cheapie and noticed plain, black traditional model. The display called it the Doorman's Umbrella for about $60. It was advertised as wind proof. I bought one. That was a lot of money then. The shaft was heavy steel and frame had sixteen ribs as opposed to the usual eight. I kept it for more than ten years. It proved to be wind proof as advertised and Uncle Sam's even replaced the canopy after about five years for a nominal charge. I rarely use an umbrella now but that umbrella was one of the best purchases I ever made. Don't you love when a product exceeds your expectations?

  10. Nothing to add in the way of umbrellas. I misplace them so frequently that it's just not something I think of splurging on.

    But what I did want to say is that last picture your father took is lovely.

  11. Had a Brigg for ages. It disappeared at the local MB dealer. Replaced it with a solid wood Kent Wang, quite nice and more reasonably priced.

  12. Love the upside down inside out umbrellas some made by Siepasa. They fold back and close inside out and stand to drip dry. They have a comfortable handle which goes around your wrist so you can use your hands to carry other things. But most of all I love their cheerful linings,. It could be dreary out but you can be under an umbrella with a sunny sky on the inside or hummingbird flitting about or Claude Monet's waterlilies or Vincent Van Gough's Irises. I don't suppose they qualify as preppy but I do love them.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Get a golf umbrella. Fiberglass shaft, so it's not a lightning rod. Lightweight. Wide coverage.

  15. Swaine Adeney Brigg, Doormen's, Black , Metal Shaft, Wooden Handle, Silver Collar on Handle...Bulletproof

  16. I have an old Swaine in one car and a golf umbrella in the other. The golf umbrella is big and has wind vents. I'm not walking on crowded city sidewalks, so the size isn't an issue.

  17. Re umbrellas and parasols: guys who work outdoors at our local boatyard wear conical (Vietnamese) Kavu Chillba hats rain or shine. They're cool in hot weather and shed water widely from any direction in the wet.

  18. I have a historical umbrella. Its black, wood shaft with traditional wood curved handle. On the fabric is the inscription "Inauguration of President and Vice President - Reagan - Bush 1985". I still use it. Reliable. Conservative. Republican.

    1. I would have to disagree. Your umbrella is not conservative or republican. it is inert.

  19. Still using our vintage Burberry!

  20. I visited Francesco Maglia umbrellas in Milan several years ago to order a custom umbrella. I was a pleasure visiting with Francesco himself to choose all the detail. It turned out beautifully.
    I've also been to Briggs a few years ago and came away very impressed, but couldn't justify another luxury umbrella at that time.

  21. You'd take your life in your hands using my dad's good umbrella or my mom's fabric scissors. My fav is a golf umbrella I got at a roadshow for a consolidation deal for cheap hotel chains....Motel 6, Econolodge, Super's fabulous.

  22. I'm with the el-cheapo golf umbrella team. Every umbrella, whatever the make, is fundamentally fragile and doomed to be wrecked before the fabric rots or the struts rust out. They are all consumable items.

  23. When I lived in DC and walked daily to and from work a good umbrella was essential. I used a larger umbrella because I am tall and it covered my gait.

    One of the joys of the pandemic is working from home most of the time. Now if it's forecast to rain, I can just opt to avoid the mess and go into the office another day.


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