Photo by Muffy Aldrich
The Modern Guide to The Thing Before Preppy

Friday, August 18, 2023

Faces. Photos by My Father.

Photos by My Father




  1. Thank you. Serious photos.

  2. Your father’s photos are amazing. Have you ever thought of publishing them in a book?

  3. A few recognizable faces: Jackie Robinson, Senator Moynihan, Elie Kazan, and a young Yaz. The rest of the faces have already slipped away into Shakespeare’s dusty eternity. Yes, now known only to God, as they say.

    And photographic time puts things into perspective. For example, anyone remember the powerful and influential James O. Law? No, and a photograph of him would be meaningless. In fact, he was the important Mayor of Baltimore when someone took a photo of an obscure loser who was living in his city. Edgar Allen Poe.

    Of course, it’s hard to say anything original about photos besides what an insightful Mitch Hedberg once profoundly observed: “All photographs of you are when you were younger.”

    And one wonders what was going on in your father’s life on the very day he snapped these black and white renderings? Perhaps he was anxious to just finish the day, and return home to his wife and cute little elementary school daughter?

  4. The opportunity to see your father's photographs is always a privilege. Thank you for sharing them.

  5. Camera & film used ? Thanks

    1. I don't know what he used for these, but Tri-X was the standard film used by photographers doing street shots and casual portraits.

  6. Would we all had paid attention, 40 years ago, to the prescient Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Might “defining deviancy down” have been slowed down, or even stopped?

  7. Absolutely stunning. - hrplo

  8. Just so very special photos, one and all! And the last one of "Yaz" is just superb! Thank you so very much!

  9. Please. Who is the young gent in the photo with Yaz? Does anyone know?

  10. How I miss this generation of men.

  11. Powerful....
    Thank you!


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