Photo by Muffy Aldrich

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Reader Question: Is Epix' Belgravia Worth Watching?

A reader question for the community:
I have just started to watch Julian Fellowes' Belgravia. (The first two episodes are free.)  So far I have found it fast moving and prefer it to Downton Abbey, a bit darker and grittier and less soapy.  I was wondering if anyone else is watching it and what they think.  


  1. I am 4 episodes in on season 1. I am entertained. I'll stick with it.

    I have really enjoyed Baptiste on PBS. Gritty and some scenes are tough to watch, but the acting and writing is excellent.

  2. Belgravia should have been a worthy successor to Downton Abbey. To my huge surprise, it was excruciatingly bad, unwatchable. My wife and I gave up on it after two episodes. The script was dull and the acting, despite a strong and experienced cast, was wooden. The exterior shots were filmed in Edinburgh's New Town, obvious to a Scot exiled in London, rather than Belgravia. To me, it seemed like an poor parody rather than an authentic period drama. What a sad waste of time and money!

    1. I agree. Unfortunately, it was a little too self-conscious and contrived. The acting was execrable and the last episode was embarrassing as they rushed to a climax and end the series. Julian Fellowes should have concentrated his efforts on something more original.

  3. Have watched a couple of episodes of Belgravia and its OK. I like Baptiste and World on Fire far better. And Call the Midwife is still a favorite!

  4. I have not watched yet, but I have to agree with RCJH on Baptiste.

  5. I am watching, but not as good as I had wished for!

  6. Agreed. Not what I expected. However, I am enjoying "The English Game." A much better representation of Mr. Fellowes' talent, in my opinion.

  7. Thanks for reminding me about this. Will give it a try. If the scenery is pretty, I will think it might better than a of the rubbish on TV.

    1. It is certainly better than much that is on! It's always nice to look at the sets, scenery, and costumes.


  8. It's a disappointment. I watched 1 episode and I'm done.

  9. "English Game". Absolutely! PA

  10. Tedious, very low stakes. Also has anyone noticed the music is all but identical to Downton's??

    1. YES! I thought, all they did was skip a few notes here and there, but basically the same music.

    2. Completely agree. Close your eyes and you'll see the opening montage of Downton Abbey.

  11. If you want to see a different side of Julian Fellowes, see the film Separate Lies, both written and directed by Fellowes. Stars Tom Wilkinson, Emily Watson, and Rupert Everett.

  12. I haven't jumped in the Belgravia well quite yet, honestly the trailers have been enough to put me off but friends are recommending it. We'll see. I loved Fellowes show Monarch of the Glen and wish that was still available. It could be my ridiculous love of Scotland but I enjoyed at least the first few seasons of it. - hrplo

  13. My wife and I will likely continue to watch Belgravia. I agree with many of the comments here, but the show could be much worse. As a fan of football I am partial to The English Game. With regards to the theme song for Belgravia it is definitely similar to the Downton theme. The high strings section is almost identical. The composer kept the ensemble a bit too simple for my liking without sufficient tonal range. The Downton suite in my opinion is lovely and rich in comparison and evokes the grandeur of the Crawley family and that era.

    JM, Virginia

  14. To date, I have watched all three episodes and found each to be rather enjoyable. Very Julian Fellowes. It reminds me a bit of his adaptation of Trollope's Doctor Thorne (available as a mini-series on Amazon Prime).

    1. Oh, I liked Dr. Thorne! I'm watching Belgravia, and even if it isn't up to Downton Abbey, it is something to watch that isn't trashy with horrible language.



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